Go green.. That’s what everyone is talking about lately so I decided to try it and see.
Here’s a list of things that I have personally done to try and pinch some of those pennies.
1. I turned down my water heater temperature.
2. I wash my clothes in cold water.
3. I thought about hanging up my clothes to dry but I just can’t stand when my clothes are stiff. So I read somewhere that if you are going to use your dryer do your loads consistently. Don’t let the dryer cool off.
5. I hear that using dryer balls cuts down the length of time needed to dry your clothes too. Funny, I would always see these at the store and wasn’t really sure what they were for. Now I know.. I’ll pick some up.
6. I had two refrigerators, you know the one you have in the basement to use when you’re throwing a party. Well I emptied out all the beers and unplugged that one.
7. I hear that you can use “smart plugs” that shut off when the item isn’t in use? Kind of strange but every little cent counts.
8. Lastly, I’m in the process of changing my light bulbs. I’ll be honest, I’m quite the fan of the “real light” or whatever that bulb is called. I know it when I see the package. The “green” bulbs take a second to light up, they aren’t as bright etc.. I don’t know, right now I have 2 green bulbs and two real light bulbs in my bathroom above the sink and it looks pretty funny.
But we’ll see who’s laughing in the end right. Hopefully it will be ME !
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