I don’t mean to remind everyone but it’s on the way. I’m already contemplating a 2nd job for extra ca$h. I really don’t want another job so let’s find some ways to stretch the bucks you already have and be able to get everyone on the list.
1. Start shopping now. Allow an amount to spend per week. This way you won’t have to deal with the mass panic and be broke at the same time.
2. Shop sales. There are sales going on NOW! Wal-Mart just had some secret sale over the weekend. Click on some of my affiliate links so you can see some sales that are going on now.
3. Clip coupons. I’m getting them by the dozens from the major stores. Bed-Bath-Beyond, Target etc. Just remember to BRING THEM with and USE THEM.
That’s all I have for now. Pretty basic but it works. If anyone has any suggestions, like I said please let me know.
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